
in VERGA-Plast.

Producing in Italy with passion since 1958

The history of a company is one of the keys to understanding its achievements, and for us each milestone is a starting point, a new stimulus to continue innovating.

This is why we have been producing in Italy with passion for more than 65 years, becoming a meeting point between the ancient traditions of Made in Italy and the most innovative discoveries in science and technology.

This photo shows a thermoformed element
This photo shows a thermoformed element
LEADER in Italy since 1958

Since 1958, VERGA-Plast has been a pioneer in Italy in vacuum thermoforming from sheet metal.

We manufacture thermoformed products on behalf of third parties, supporting the customer from product development to production, leveraging the experience gained since 1958.

Application Sectors.


The advanced contouring of thermoformed products by VERGA-Plast, carried out using state-of-the-art CNC technologies and supported by CAD/CAM systems integrated with 3D technical drawings, ensures exceptional precision and impeccable quality, meeting even the most complex designs and demanding technical specifications.

This image represents an outline
This image depicts a craftsman smoothing a resin mould
This image represents a roughing-out
LEADER in Italy since 1958

VERGA-Plast manufactures resin models and aluminum molds using cutting-edge CAD/CAM technologies and high-precision 3D technical drawings. Each process is designed to ensure impeccable quality and meticulous attention to the most complex details, providing tailored solutions that perfectly meet the specific needs of our clients.

We don’t stop at Thermoforming.

Discover 'VERGA-Plast - Ai Assistant', the 1st real virtual assistant, based on artificial intelligence, in the European vacuum thermoforming industry is ready to help you!

"The basis of customer satisfaction must be product quality, reliability and passion.


Not just a company.

Passion & Experience

We have been producing in Italy with passion since 1958.

100% High-quality materials

We focus on the search for innovative, high-quality materials.

Respect for the environment

Respect for the environment and for people is inherent in our code of ethics and underpins every single decision we make.

Family tradition

For three generations, VERGA-Plast has remained true to its origins, choosing to produce in Italy, making innovative, high-quality products.